Saturday, 8 November 2014

Where to start... Oh, the format

This is my first official post... and I am quite nervous.
There is a lot to explain first before I start blogging.

So, there will be swear words and I will discuss sensitive topics. My answer to you if you want to complain is: Pipe the fuck down (Immortal words of Jenna Marbles).

This series will contain my crazy ramblings of day to day events in my life. It is my way of making sense of my personalized little world. Hopefully guiding me to a "nirvana" of sorts where I will be content.

I will also attempt to split these posts into sub categories for easier viewing, as I am certain most people will not be able to handle my awesomeness in one big wallop. Hehe.

So, on to my first blog... I mean second blog... ermm...